Since my earliest memory, I’ve been involved with computers, either in gaming, or productivity. Since 2021 or earlier, I have taken an interest in the area of cybersecurity but didn’t start concretely until December 2023. Now, my objective is, with the help of resources all around the web, to learn about this area and, maybe, work in it as a pentester.
This blog will serve as a log of practice machines on different platforms. In those posts, the information contained in those posts will include, but is not limited to:
- Â Information about the machine (difficulty, platform of origin, operating system, difficulty, etc.).
- Step-by-step thought process while I was trying to solve machine
- Â Observation of things I could do better in the future when solving other machines.
- Â Things I learned from the machine.
It will also serve as a portfolio for any future projects related to pentesting, programming, or anything new I learn that’s not related to pentesting.
If you’ve read through some of my write-ups or something else on my page, thanks for your time!
Any help or observation about any mistake in the page regarding grammar, orthography, or any elements in the page that are not working correctly, I’d really appreciate your comments!
As of the date of 18/02/2024, this page is still under construction; its layout or information may change in the future.